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How to Survive and Thrive Through Personal Challenge!

Strip Naked & Redress With Happiness

Strip Naked & Redress With Happiness

Strip Naked & Re-Dress With Happiness is a handbook for surviving adversity and discovering how to thrive as a result.

Maria Hocking’s own inspiring personal story is woven throughout the book, accompanied by ‘changing room tips’ – tools and techniques to help you understand your emotions and behaviours, and move through personal challenge.

You’ll discover that ‘getting naked’ – losing what you used to take for granted – is an opportunity to let go of who you thought you were, and find out who you really are.

Enter the changing room to change your mind and your life.

Maria is walking, talking, pen pushing proof that these tips work, because she used them to change her own life.

Within every challenge lies a gift just waiting to be discovered: this book will open your eyes to help you to discover it and empower you to achieve a higher level of happiness and contentment.

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