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How To Avoid The Biggest Life Planning Mistakes!

Do you plan your life? Do you know what you want and when you want it?

Many years ago in my early days of coach training, a fellow student was ‘practicing’ on me and asking me a series of coaching questions about my life.

The one question that left me completely speechless was: “What do you want?”.

I remember feeling confused and shocked.

I couldn’t believe that I had never ever thought to ask myself that question, let alone answer it!

Having worked as a life coach for many, many years I now understand that I was not alone. Most people never think about what they want in or from their life.

If someone were to ask you “What do you want?”, what would you say?

The quality of our life is determined either by the quality of the questions that we ask ourselves or by the quality of the questions that a life coach may ask you!

A good life coach will definitely ask you many questions about what you want which will allow you access to your aspirations, desires and dreams.

They will help you plan your life and set goals and be there alongside to celebrate your success and will ensure that you don’t make mistakes when planning your life.

Here are the top 5 mistakes, some of which YOU may be making!

Mistake Number 1

Not planning your life at all. If you don’t plan your life, then someone else will plan it for you.

You will live a life in accordance with the opinions and expectations of others and a life less than you want and deserve.

Mistake Number 2

Setting only long term goals. Many people plan 10 or 20 years ahead and planning for future years is highly beneficial.

Many people work exceptionally hard to achieve a comfortable retirement. Others wait until the mortgage is paid off until they plan fun and adventure.

The mistake is to ONLY plan for future years.

Planning for future years will definitely help you in future years but it won’t help you now.

Mistake Number 3

Setting only short term goals. Short term goals are beneficial and will ensure that you are making the most of your life in the near future but you also need to think long term.

If you know where you want to be and what you want to be doing in 10 years time, then you can ensure that the decisions that you make today support these desires.

Mistake Number 4

Not writing your plans or goals down. Keeping these thoughts in your head is like putting your dreams to bed; they are silenced and easily ignored.

Write them down and display them where you will see them on a regular basis. This will ensure that you are constantly reminded of them so are therefore more likely to take action.

Mistake Number 5

Believing that the future cannot possibly be planned because life is unpredictable. If you have experienced a shock such as bereavement or redundancy then it’s not unusual to develop this belief.

As a result, the thought of planning for the future seems pointless. But it’s not.

Stuff will happen for sure and we will all experience unpredictable events throughout our lives.

If we don’t plan at all, then we won’t experience, be or have much at all.

If we plan and only achieve 70% of what we dream of then we have still experienced a much more fulfilling life as a result.

Knowing these 5 mistakes will help you avoid mistakes.

Take action now so that you live without regret later.

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