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A Simple But Powerful Tool To Aid Life Balance

Do you ever find yourself rushing around, without a moment to spare?

Do you find yourself wishing for ‘more hours’ in the day?

We all experience periods in our life when we feel overworked and exhausted.

Long term stress, however, is highly detrimental to our health and can lead to mental health problems and cardiovascular disease.

Imagine driving a car with your foot flat on the accelerator for endless miles. it’s likely that eventually your car would break. Your body is no different to a car. Under endless pressure at high speeds, we break too.

Sometimes it’s difficult to recognise that we are stressed. Accomplishing everything with speed becomes the norm, as we pack more and more into our day believing that how we behave and live is acceptable. But it’s not acceptable.

Think about the people around you that are impacted by your stress.

If you have a partner, then your relationship is likely to deteriorate.

If you have children, then you are more likely to ‘snap’ at them and not give them the time they deserve.

How would the way that you live impact them if stress caused you either mental or physical health problems?

Thinking about the ‘pain’ that you would cause by suffering these problems can be strong motivation to change!

If my words resonate with you, then I highly recommend my simple but powerful “traffic light” tool to restore balance.

Imagine that you have 3 types of days within your week:

Red Days – Days when you stop, relax and completely unwind.

Amber Days – Days when you are slow down, but still achieve the completion of tasks.

Green Days – Days when you are under more pressure and find yourself rushing to complete tasks.

I recommend writing down the days of the week for the next 7 days.

At the end of each day write down the colour that correlates to your day.

If after 7 days, you find yourself looking at too many ‘green days’ then something needs to change.

My advice to you is to ensure that you have red and amber days amongst the green.

Why not book these days into your diary, or put them on your calendar?

Create a visual reminder to achieve a better life balance which will positively impact not only your life, but the lives of your friends and family too.

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