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How To Live Beyond

People often ask me about the small tattoo that I have on my left wrist.

The words ‘live beyond’ are firmly stamped on my skin forever. Why? Because I never want to forget.

‘Living beyond’ can be described as ‘living without edges’.

In life, we may dream of being or doing something great, but our limiting beliefs about ability or possibility create ‘edges’ that we butt up against. These edges can halt our progress and shut down our dreams.

We may see great and wonderful things in other people; we see their talents and admire their strengths yet are often too afraid to say what we see. Our verbal expression subdued as we butt up against more ‘edges’ – what we deem to be socially acceptable. After all, we don’t often hear others telling people how wonderful they are, so why should we?

We may fear carrying our Random Acts Of Kindness through fear of looking silly, or ‘too soft’. We may see that others need help but assume that others will step in instead. Our worry about how we may appear to others, super cedes our desire to help. These beliefs about how we should act, and what is ‘normal’ create yet more and more edges

Afraid to step over the edges, we live a limited life.

Fearful of breaking through, we suppress our dreams.

Worried about how we appear to others, we live confined by rules. We live in a box. We may occasionally see outside the edges but avoid looking too often, because it reminds us of what we haven’t done, haven’t experienced or haven’t got.

I’ve personally experienced living within the edges and living beyond. And I’m here to tell you that ‘living beyond’ has brought me far more joy and fulfillment. It’s also brought joy and happiness to others. I will continue to ‘live beyond’ for the rest of my living years and I hope that my words will encourage you to do so too.

To get you started, here are my top tips:

Identify your ‘dream halting edges’.

What are you telling yourself about what you want to achieve but believe you cannot? Imagine that you were Elon Musk or Richard Branson in your current situation. Would they think that your dreams were impossible? Or would they find a way to make it happen? Do what they would do.

Choose to live without edges with regards to spotting the amazing qualities in others.

This is simple. If you see it, say it. If you spot something wonderful in another human being, tell them what you see, for them may not see it themselves. Be the person who shines their light upon others. Compliment people and ensure that your words come from your heart.

Prioritise kindness to others.

Instead of worrying about what others think (edges), be as kind as you can, as often as you can. Make Random Acts Of Kindness a daily ritual. Send a small note to a friend telling them how much you appreciate them. Be the person that always steps in first to help. Aim to relieve suffering whenever possible. Pay for a stranger’s coffee. Unite with others, to help others. Make it your mission to make a difference, every day.

So, I’m hoping that my words have helped you to understand how to ‘live beyond’. We all have the ability to expand and break through perceived limitations. Why not start breaking through yours today.



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