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Your Last Breath & Final Moments


One day we will all take our last breath.

In the days leading up to our final moments, we will find ourselves with time to reflect. What we feel in those final moments, depends greatly on how we live today.

We may look back with a warm heart and smile, knowing that we lived the best possible life. Or we may look back and regret that we worked too hard to support our obsessions with possessions.

A conversation with a friend this week-end inspired this post. We were on our way home from a canoe trip on the River Wye with Intrepid expeditions uk and were discussing what we would like to be remembered for.

We concluded that we would never want to be remembered as the person who had the glossiest kitchen or the most immaculate home. But we would want to be remembered as people who lived lives filled with adventure, joy and happiness. We’d love to think that we’d inspired others to do the same.

If you take nothing else from this post, please take these words:

How you LIVE TODAY will impact how you feel BEFORE YOU TAKE YOUR LAST BREATH. (Please pack these words into your heart and give them a home there forever).

A great question to ask yourself is “If I died tomorrow, would I feel that I’d done, created and experienced enough?”

We make the mistake of believing that we will always have enough time.

We make the mistake of living, ignoring the silent ‘tick tock’ that reminds us of the passing of our seconds, hours, weeks and years.

We make the mistake of planning for the future without living today.

My advice to you is to remind yourself that you won’t always have forever.

Do what you love now. If you don’t know what you love, keep try new things until you do.

Spend more time with people and less time on screens.

Spend more money on experiences than on possessions. 

Spend more time outside to find out who you are on the inside.

And know that in your final moments you will only remember how you lived and how you loved.

I know that this past week-end camping, canoeing and connecting, I truly lived and loved. My question to you is DID YOU?

(If you want to spend a week with myself and Intrepid Expeditions in a stunning white wilderness, we are still building the team for Fire & Ice, Unleash Your Potential Through Adventure, North Sweden, Jan 2022).

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