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The Lessons Within Covid-19


The Lessons Within Covid-19

We are currently experiencing much uncertainty. Many are experiencing fear. The virus sweeping the world seems quite unbelievable. At the time of writing this Italy, a whole country is in lock-down. And there seems to be a high chance that others may need to follow suit.

My heart goes out to those that are suffering. My heart goes out to those that have lost their loved ones. We are surrounded by news 24/7 and it’s pretty impossible not to feel the impact of this unexpected but powerful turn of events. We didn’t ever predict Covid-19, and were totally unaware of how much our lives would change as a result.

There is so much fear and worry around right now and understandably so. But I wonder how many other feelings or emotions are being felt?

For me personally, this is a reminder that life is short. I’ve been thinking about all the times that we worry about small things that really don’t matter.

We worry about taking risks or changing our jobs.

We worry about what ‘might happen’.

We get stressed about trivial things like an untidy house or ‘whose turn it is to walk the dog’.

We spend so much time rushing around as a ‘human doing’ instead of a ‘humans being’. We lose sight of who we are and what we want. We let stress and worry steal our moments of happiness and joy.

I’m sure that this virus has stirred similar thoughts within you. My question to you is “How will you use those thoughts?”. This post is not intending to belittle or disregard currently suffering. But it is intended to help others find light within darkness, and power within pain.

Covid-19 is a huge reminder to prioritise relationships. It’s a huge reminder to prioritise love, laughter and living. It’s a huge reminder that life is short, and we only get one chance.

My question to you is “How will you use your reminder?”

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